This protocol imposes two conditions without which the Micro-Osteo Digitale® does not develop any effect.
The first of these conditions lies in the lightness of the contact of the fingers on the body of the patient. The heavier the contact, the more the body is silent; the more subtle the interrogation is, the more the answer appears in all its clarity.
The second condition is the weight of intention. The weight of the intention means that the practitioner must be there, only there, quite there and that a powerful link unites his thought and his fingers. What passes through his fingers is only information of release of the bone units, and one understands better whereas a too heavy support is quite useless. The hands are only a transmission tool, a translator of thought to revive the primary respiratory movement. When both conditions are met, the effectiveness of the Micro-Osteo Digitale® is such that sometimes only one session is enough to rebalance the body and thus eliminate pain.